College Planning: Don’t Be Overwhelmed
Curriculum night, “Meet the Teacher” night, senior night, college planning night…have you been to any of these yet this year?
I sat in my school’s senior parent meeting, and I was sad.
But not for the reason you think! Ok…yes, I was sad to think, “I have a senior!”
But looking around, I thought of the other senior parents who were hearing this rush of important college application information for the very first time.
Hearing it generates tons of other questions. Some parents left the meeting with a glazed look in their eyes because they heard a tidal wave of information in that hour.
They felt behind. They felt stress. Not a good feeling. (BTW, senior parents…we can help. Schedule a Private Consultation for your family.)
Your trusted resource.
If you have a high school sophomore or junior, you need to connect with a trusted resource now. For many area families, that’s At The Core…our website, our social media posts, and our newsletter each week. We built them for you, to use at any time.
If you don’t want that “deer in the headlights” look after your Senior Night, catch one of our college planning programs. We cover topics as varied as ACT/SAT testing and choosing a major/learning about careers. We dig into paying for college as well as planning high school coursework. We help families understand what colleges are looking for and how the application process works. Visit our page and find the topics best suited to your family. Making this investment of your time will pay dividends.
As I was leaving that senior parent meeting, a nice mom stopped me. She said, “I already know all that stuff because I have attended your programming.” I want that confidence for all of you!
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