Welcome to our podcast library!
Things I Have Learned – College and Careers with Beth Probst
Beth was the guest of John Tabernik on his podcast Things I Have Learned. Their conversation focused on how families can guide their student when choosing a major, college, and career. Beth shares her favorite tips for families going through this process.
Choose a College or Career First? Flipping the College Process on Its Head!
Beth recently had an engaging and inspiring conversation with Dawne and Larry from the His and Her Life Hacks Podcast. Their discussion covered a range of topics crucial for parents of college-bound teens. Every parent dreams of seeing their child embark on a career that brings them joy. How can you support your student through the college and career journey while helping them broaden their horizons and envision a future full of possibilities?
re: Comprehensive Career Prep for Teenagers Entering the Job Market
Beth Probst got the chance to have a deep conversation with seasoned executive recruiter and career coach Courtney Page for her re:sume podcast. Their conversation covered a lot of territory! How do we get students to lift their heads up from their phones and find a joyful path to work they will love? What do we mean by career illiteracy? Beth shares her favorite tips to help today’s teens prepare themselves for the world of work.
Creating Your Child’s Origin Story
Beth Probst was honored to be the guest on the Small Business Origins podcast with John Kelley. Beth got the chance to talk about the birth of At The Core and the Guided Self Assessment process. They chatted about the importance of helping students find joyful work they will love and how to support them through this time which will become their origin story.
How At The Core Helps Students Make Plans for the Future
The MEFA® Podcast
Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority® (MEFA) podcast host Jonathan Hughes and Beth Probst talked about teens and the forum they need to talk about themselves and the importance of exploring real world careers. Beth shares tidbits her team has learned that families can take home and use with their teenagers. (The conversation with Beth begins at 9:44.)
Jonathan started the podcast with a conversation with Julie Shields-Rutyna about Federal Direct Student Loan repayment getting underway and the new SAVE income-based repayment plan. Be sure to check that out, too. The transcript of the episode can be found here.
True North Wealth Partners
Beth was the guest on the True North Wealth Partner podcast “Vantage Point” and talked about making the most of the school year and why having students evaluate their experiences throughout the year is so important. Their conversation included discussing ways to save on paying for college including dual enrollment and the danger of not having a reason for going to college.
Personal Financial Strategies with Tony King
Two is better than one! Beth Probst was the guest twice on Tony King’s Personal Financial Strategy podcast. In the first one, “Have a Strategy for Choosing College,” Beth and Tony discuss how families can help students move toward work they love. In the follow up, “Strategies for Paying College Tuition,” the conversation turns to the importance of having money discussions with our kids and how families can save money on college through options available in high school.
Strategic College Planning: Empowering Students to Leverage Their Passions
Beth Probst got the chance to chat with youth leadership and empowerment coach and author Coach T in his Developing Tomorrow’s Leaders podcast. They dug deep into the power of supporting students to consider, take possession of, and leverage their strengths and interests to really take possession of what makes them tick. Parents play a vital role in fanning the flames of their student’s interests and supporting them to evaluate their experiences. Beth’s insightful stories will inspire parents to become effective partners in their child’s educational journey and development of tomorrow’s leaders.
The Value of Career Exploration in Middle School
Betsy Jewell is the host of the High School Hamster Wheel podcast. Beth Probst had the pleasure of talking with her about career exploration for middle school students. Middle school is not too early to be talking about careers. How do parents plant the seeds and get your younger teens talking? Why is self assessment so important? Why do we resist the word “passion”? (Check out Betsy’s page. We love how she listed episode highlights to give you a preview of their conversation!)
Dr. Paul’s Family Talk
Dr. Paul W. Reeves and Beth Probst had a wide-ranging conversation ranging from college football rivalries to helping every kid find their thing and how to select the best-fit college, major, and career so they don’t end up wasting precious time, energy, and money in his Family Talk radio show.
College Guidance for Students and Their Parents
Gary Stocker of College Viability chatted with Beth on a wide variety of topics. How has college and the process of getting into college changed from when we as parents went to school? How has it become so competitive? And expensive?! Why is the college money talk so important? Beth talks about the importance of using high school as an exploration zone for a student’s future and how colleges could improve their transparency about outcomes and test optional impacts and much more.
Career Exploration for High School Students: Tips from Beth Prost
Beth discusses the importance of career exploration and self-assessment for high school students with the College Knowledge podcast team. She emphasizes the need for students to try out different classes, extracurricular activities, and part-time jobs to gain knowledge and craft reasonable aspirations for their future careers.
Getting the Most From Your College Investment
Simultaneously saving for retirement and your child’s college education requires delicate and intentional planning. You want to ensure you and your student will get a quality return on the sizable investment you’re making. Beth spoke with Ryan Morrissey, CFP®, on his podcast Retire with Ryan. They talked about the rising costs of college tuition, setting up high school seniors for success, and the tool she created to help college-bound students get the most out of higher education.
Helping Your Teen Move Toward the College and Career They Love
The GenZ Show seeks to make a positive difference in future generations by equipping youth today with content, confidence, and credibility they need to impact future generations. Beth joined James McLamb to talk about how At The Core helps students move toward work they will love–no matter what that looks like. They discuss posturing, career illiteracy, the CSI effect, and much more. How can families support students all through high school?
Your Money – Manage It
When making an investment, do we cross our fingers and hope that it comes out ok? Of course not. However, sometimes families do precisely that (cross their fingers) when sending their children to college without a sound plan. Beth Probst chatted with RL Guillaume, author and host of the Your Money–Manage It podcast, about what families can do now to make a difference in a student’s confidence.
Wisdom to Wealth
College is a “big spend.” We justify that spend with the hope that we’ll see a successful transition to the working world after college. Drew Stevens, host of the Wisdom to Wealth podcast, spoke with Beth Probst about the value of backing up career-thinking into the high school years.
The Rocky Road to Choosing a College
On the Tell Us How to Make It Better podcast, Beth spoke with George Siegal about planning for how and where your kids go to college. College is way too expensive to just hope kids figure it out, so At The Core helps them understand all their options, do self-assessment, and career exploration, and make sure that those headed to college are aiming in the right direction. They even chatted about topics other than college like the necessity of chemistry and algebra and the importance of not discouraging kids’ dreams.
A Compass for the College Journey
On The Parenting 411 podcast, Beth chatted with Carol Muleta about the college journey and how it can be overwhelming and stressful. They discussed helping teens get clear about their life goals, so they can chart the best course for building the life that they dream of.
How Parents Can Help Their Children Select The Best-Fit College, Major, & Career
Beth got the chance to record with Anna Sergunina, CFP®, on her Money Boss podcast. Their conversation included practical tips for high school students to complete before the end of high school so they can move toward college with much more confidence and clarity.
Helping Your Teen Get the Most From Their Summer Vacation
Beth Probst was a guest on 610WTVN’s “What Matters with Mindy and Mikaela” podcast. They talked about making the most of a teen’s summer vacation.
Click to listen to their conversation:
A Family’s Journey Through High School to College and Career
Beth Probst was the guest on the “UnTalk” podcast hosted by La’Mier T. of LTD Channel 614. It was a really fun conversation about a shining a flashlight on a family’s journey through high school to college and career. (Be sure to listen to both segments of the chat.)
Preparing for College and Career
Beth Probst got to sit down with True North Wealth Partners. What can parents and students do during high school to be prepared for those next steps? How can their experiences now help them later? (Jump forward to 18:30 for Beth’s section.)
Building Bridges Between Schools, Parents, and Communities
In the Breaker Society podcast episode “Starving Parents,” Beth and Alicia Mowry, the public information officer for the Delaware Area Career Center in Central Ohio discussed how they built a partnership to engage parents and the community to help overcome a long-standing stigma–in this case the stigmas surrounding career-technical education–and increase enrollment and the image of the Delaware Area Career Center.
How At The Core Is Shaking Up College and Career Preparation
Sometimes Beth gets to do really fun/interesting things for work. In Breaker Society’s first episode “College and Career,” Beth chatted with Shane Haggerty about At The Core’s purpose and debating whether she was a closet rule-breaker.
College and Career Readiness Roundtable
Ohio’s career centers and traditional high schools are working together to prepare students for the next step along the educational pathway. Potential paths include training for a skilled trade or technology career, earning an industry credential, or pursuing a degree at a community college or university. Beth moderated the discussion with Central Ohio educators during their College and Career Readiness panel discussion at Columbus Business First.
Planning for the Transition from High School to College
How to Get Child and You Ready for College
Helping Students Discover “Who Am I?”
Beth discussed Guided Self Assessment and how it helps teens with Nived Ravikumar, the Statement Guru. Nived helps tutor students with college admissions essay writing including brainstorming, draft evaluation, editing, and polishing.
College Costs, the Common App, and the Application Process
Beth Probst talked with Joel Riley of 610 WTVN’s Morning Show about the college process today and Guided Self Assessment.