Top 10

Our Top 10 High School, College, and Career Planning Blog Posts

Who remembers David Letterman’s Top 10 lists? Hopefully, you aren’t too young to remember David Letterman and his top 10 lists. Dave’s top 10s were epic. Need a refresher? Have no clue what we’re talking about? Check out Dave’s Top 10 Reasons I Decided to Become a Teacher.

In continuing celebration of our 10th year in business, (woo hoo!) we’ve planned a series of top 10 lists of our own throughout 2022. Some lists will be topical, some peek behind the scenes, and some are just for fun.

We’re launching with the top 10 most popular At The Core blog posts based on Google Analytics for the past year (4/2021 to 4/2022). You might be surprised by some of these! (Our first draft of this article was a top 10 most popular webpages, but that was kind of boring. Our #1 most visited webpage is the home page. Yawn! LOL!)

Drumroll please…Top 10 At The Core blog posts…

10) Choosing a Major, Picking a Career, Understanding Yourself: We Have a Tool for That – an article answering some of the most common questions about Guided Self Assessment.

9) When college kids come home… 3 steps to ease the adjustment – Do you have a college student coming home this summer for the first time? This guest blog post from the founder of Dare to Parent Amy Ambrozich shares some tips to ease the transition.

8) Top 5 Things to Do the Summer Before Your High School Senior Year – Class of 2023, this one’s for you! This summer is the last one before you graduate high school and move on to college or career. Make the most of it. That includes fun!!

7) Volunteering in High School: National Honor Society? Graduation Requirement? – This blog includes ideas for earning volunteer hours.

6) Junior Year: It’s about to get real – For each rising junior class, families realize it is time to buckle down and get things started/done. In this blog, we break down the tasks ahead into easier chunks.

5) What happens when your child turns 18? – a discussion of the impact and steps to take when your child becomes a legal adult.

4) State of Ohio Graduation Requirements: Demonstrating Readiness with Diploma Seals – Those pesky diploma seals. Wondering about what they are?

3) Can American Sign Language be used for college acceptance and credit? – Traditional foreign languages are not for everyone. Can ASL be used instead?

2) The Self Reported Academic Record and Your Child’s College Application – You might not be familiar with the SRAR or the SSAR. Some colleges require this step as part of their college application materials.

1) The Honors Diploma: What is it and is it necessary? – If you Google “honors diploma”, this blog post is the second search result (after the State of Ohio page). Yes, we geek out to this stuff and are proud to be the go-to resource for so many families!

Let us know if you have a top 10 list topic idea. How about the top 10 backhanded student compliments, like, “This process wasn’t as bad as I expected it to be”? 😉 Honestly, this is a personal favorite!


Posted 4/22/2022

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