
State of Ohio Graduation Requirements: Demonstrating Readiness with Diploma Seals

Ohio high school graduation requirements have several facets that students need to complete including fulfilling curriculum requirements, meeting competency requirements, and demonstrating readiness for the steps after school in order to receive their diploma. In this article, we wanted to examine the diploma seals mentioned as part of the requirements. The seals demonstrate that students are prepared for college or careers.

“In addition to fulfilling curriculum requirements and meeting the competency requirements listed above, students also must show they are prepared for their next steps after high school. State law created 12 diploma seals for students to demonstrate academic, technical and professional readiness for careers, college, the military or self-sustaining professions. Each seal allows students to demonstrate knowledge and skills essential for future success in their chosen post-high school paths. Students will demonstrate readiness by earning at least two diploma seals, one of which must be state defined. Seals help students develop an array of critical skills that are valuable to them as they transition to the next steps after high school. Schools should consider encouraging students to pursue seals that meet their individual interests and skills. Graduation planning will be an important step in supporting students in earning their seals.”

Below is a summary of each seal. Click the name of the seal to be taken to more details on the Ohio Department of Education website (wording taken from their site):


State-Defined Diploma Seals How do you earn it?
OhioMeans Jobs-Readiness Seal Demonstrate specific professional skills required for success in the workplace. Students must work with at least three experienced and trusted mentors who validate the demonstration of these skills in school, work or the community.
Ohio Seal of Biliteracy Demonstrate high levels of proficiency in English and at least one other language. A school or district gives this award by following state-established guidelines.
Industry-Recognized Credential Seal An industry-recognized credential is a qualification of a specific set of competencies related to an industry or occupation. These credentials can take many different forms, including certificates, certifications and licenses.
College-Ready Seal Earn remediation-free scores on the ACT or SAT. Visit the Department’s website to see current remediation-free scores.
Military Enlistment Seal Provide evidence that a student has enlisted in a branch of the U.S. Armed Forces or participate in an approved JROTC program for at least two school years.
Technology Seal Students must satisfy at least one of the requirements below:

  1. Earn a score equivalent to proficient on an appropriate Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate test; or
  2. Earn a “B” or higher in an appropriate College Credit Plus technology course; or
  3. Complete a technology course that meets criteria established by the Ohio Department of Education
Citizenship Seal Students must satisfy one of the listed American History options and one of the listed American Government options found here.
Science Seal Students must satisfy at least one of the following:

  1. Earn a final course grade that is equivalent to a “B” or higher in an Advanced Science course;
  2. Earn a score of proficient on Ohio’s State Test in Biology;
  3. Earn a score equivalent to proficient on an appropriate Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate science test; or
  4. Earn a “B” or higher in a College Credit Plus science course.
Honors Diploma Earn one of six Honors Diplomas outlined below:

  1. Academic Honors Diploma
  2. International Baccalaureate Honors Diploma
  3. Career-Tech Honors Diploma
  4. STEM Honors Diploma
  5. Arts Honors Diploma
  6. Civic and Social Sciences Honors Diploma


Locally-Defined Diploma Seals* How do you earn it?
Community Service Seal Complete a community service project that meets the guidelines set by the school district board of education or school governing authority.
Student Engagement Seal Participate in extracurricular activities such as (but not limited to) athletics, clubs or student government, to a meaningful extent, as determined by the guidelines set by the school district board of education or school governing authority.
Fine and Performing Arts Seal Demonstrate skill in the fine or performing arts according to an evaluation that is aligned with guidelines set by the school district board of education or school governing authority.

*State law requires districts and schools to develop guidelines for at least one of the locally defined diploma seals.


Updated 9/2022

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