
Liberal arts

To liberal arts or NOT to liberal arts? That is the question.

Some say the traditional liberal arts colleges are dying. Others…

Teens picking careers?! Preparing your teen for effective career exploration and college major selection

We see many sides of the career exploration process for teens.…
survive their summer job

Tips to Help Your Student Survive Their Summer Job

Do you remember your first summer job? Your first boss? Most…
High School Educational Opportunities

High School Educational Opportunities: So Many Choices

We remember our junior and senior years in high school. We had…


Heading to college

Why Go to College? Career/Major Thinking for Teens™ (Grades 8-12) WEBINAR

Why does anyone go to college? We often hear "to get a better job." However, so many teens embark on the college search process without taking time to consider careers and majors--the two things that should be driving the process. What do you need to know right now, while your teen is still in high school? There are steps parents can take to help their teens with career and major decisions which are right around the corner. Webinar topics include: how can a student really learn about CAREERS and tie them to college MAJORS, tips we can share from our work with teens and families, what employers and colleges have to say about making a successful transition to the working world, resources and tools your family may value, and more.