Extracurricular activities

Why is this investment worth making? Weighing the cost versus the value of extracurricular activities

Since 2012, At The Core has helped hundreds of students with…
Choosing a college

Important College Credit Plus Eligibility Announcement for 2022/23

The State of Ohio has passed a ruling change regarding student…
Game plan

Sports fan? Let's talk having a game plan!

Did you love the Super Bowl? Perhaps Team USA? Or Ohio State…
High school

When high school scheduling has your child (or you) stressed out

Without fail every school year, students come home totally stressed…
Learning differences

College Planning for Students with Learning Differences

First off, we want to make clear that we are not experts on the…
High school math

Is Your Child Ready for High School Math?

At The Core is excited to share a guest blog from Raj Shah, founder…
Speed reading

Myths About Speed Reading–Are They Really READING It?

Bonnie James is the founder and president of Advanced Reading…
College planning

5 Keys to Successful College Planning

We all see the headlines: student loan debt in the trillions,…
Alternatives to college

Alternatives to College

When a student approaches the end of high school, it’s important…
High school course options

High School Course Options: How do we decide?

Parents, remember when we went to high school? For most of us,…