Looking AheadTM:
Planning for Success in High School and Beyond
Planning for Success in High School and Beyond
8th grade families (Class of 2029),
You have been invited to a unique, valuable, and free webinar to support your student as they transition to high school. Each year this presentation is wildly popular. You won’t want to miss it!
At The Core has crafted a presentation of tips and tools to share with middle school parents (especially 8th grade/rising high school freshmen) to help you prepare your student for high school and the road ahead.
HOW TO WATCH? Click to open the follow up email from our recent live event which includes the link to the recording as well as other resources.
This recording will be available for viewing until May 15, 2025.
This presentation encourages parents to consider their student’s future high school experience as they enter high school, and look ahead to life after high school–whether it is college or career.
We’ll talk about:
This session is built for parents. Our kids get a lot of info about this transition through the school, and this session is intended to support parents. Some kids WILL come, and that is perfectly fine too!
NOTE: Some districts offer a program for 8th grade parents. Watch for that information and definitely attend! What we share is very complementary to those programs. If dates/times conflict, remember to register for our webinar and watch the recording (sent to all registrants).
HOW TO WATCH? Click to open the follow up email from our recent live event which includes the link to the recording as well as other resources.
This recording will be available for viewing until May 15, 2025.
Sign up for a Private Consultation to answer your family’s questions and create a plan of action. This 60-minute family meeting is tailored to your needs, your priorities, and your questions.
Go from stressed, confused and overwhelmed to prepared, relieved, and confident in one powerful session. Read more.
We created this presentation for 8th grade parents (and rising high school freshmen in the summer months). We find that students are well-supported by their school districts, but PARENTS need some support too! If you have to or want to bring a student, feel free to do so.
This presentation encourages parents to consider their student’s future high school experience as they enter high school. We’ll talk about what you can expect each year, choosing courses, the value of pre-planning, extracurriculars, and an overview of all the options available (like honors classes, AP classes, dual enrollment, etc.) Also, we’ll start to dig into college prep considerations and give you some foundational knowledge about how it works (applications, ACT/SAT testing, etc.)
We get it! We are busy parents too, and time is precious. Here are a few quotes from our past sessions:
“Looking Ahead will allow us to answer questions for our child as well as equip us to assist them in making decisions about high school scheduling and college prep.”
“Looking Ahead gave me a much better understanding of what to expect.”
“It will help me survive the transition to high school!”
“…a lot of information but it was good to start hearing it. I wish I could come every couple of weeks.”
Some middle schools offer parent programming with information about their student’s high school course selection choices. Our program goes beyond that information. We suggest you attend both!
Our “College Planning Guide for 8-10th Graders” is vital for families as the student gets a little bit older. Like Looking Ahead, it covers high school topics, but the focus is more on the college search and application process. Some 8th grade families are ready for this additional info now. Looking Ahead focuses on what families can expect in the high school years ahead. When you are ready for more, we will see you at our College Planning Guide program! (Click here for the follow up email from our recent College Planning Guide which includes the link to the recording as well as many other resources.)
No. We created this program because parents of 8th graders CRAVE information to help their student prepare for high school. We are always happy to share more about At The Core, but these free presentations are built simply to give parents what they need, not a yucky sales pitch.
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